
W dynamicznym Zespole Teoretycznej Biofizyki Molekularnej UMK można zrobić doktorat z biofizyki pod kierunkiem prof. dr hab. Wiesława Nowaka ( Od 1 października 2018 dostępne będą dwa stypendia doktoranckie finansowane ze źródeł zewnętrznych:

  1. Projekt NCN OPUS12 „Strukturalne determinanty optycznej kontroli wydzielania insuliny i neuroliginy poprzez fotoaktywne ligandy białek” – gwarantowane stypendium na 2 lata (3000 PLN); poszukiwani są absolwenci fizyki, fizyki technicznej, informatyki, chemii obliczeniowej, itp. zainteresowani komputerowym modelowaniem biomolekuł. Stypendium może być przyznane jedynie uczestnikom Interdyscyplinarnego Studium Doktoranckiego Nauk Fizycznych prowadzonego na naszym Wydziale. Rekrutacja trwa tylko do 2018-06-30 13:00:00.

  2. Projekt interdyscyplinarny „BiDoc” w ramach ...

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PhD student position

in computational design of RNA molecules with new 3D structures

Bujnicki group in IIMCB, Warsaw, Poland


We are looking for a junior scientist, interested in software development, bioinformatics, molecular modeling and design, and motivated to develop a career in an interdisciplinary and international team.


Key information about us:

To have an idea of the working activity of the host group, check the website

We are an interdisciplinary team that combines basic science (to solve the mysteries of nature) and applied science (to make the discoveries practically useful). In our laboratory, software developers meet with ...

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PhD student position

in development of cheminformatics software for RNA

Bujnicki group in IIMCB, Warsaw, Poland


We are looking for a junior scientist, interested in software development, cheminformatics, bioinformatics, and molecular modeling, and motivated to develop a career in an interdisciplinary and international team.


Key information about us:

To have an idea of the working activity of the host group, check the website

We are an interdisciplinary team that combines basic science (to solve the mysteries of nature) and applied science (to make the discoveries practically useful). In our laboratory, software developers meet with experimental biologists, and ...

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PhD student position

in development of methods for RNA 3D structure prediction and simulations

Bujnicki group in IIMCB, Warsaw, Poland


We are looking for a junior scientist, interested in software development, bioinformatics, molecular simulations and modeling, and motivated to develop a career in an interdisciplinary and international team.


Key information about us:

To have an idea of the working activity of the host group, check the website

We are an interdisciplinary team that combines basic science (to solve the mysteries of nature) and applied science (to make the discoveries practically useful). In our laboratory, software developers meet ...

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