PTBi Symposium: Krakow 2019 — Submission

We encourage all participants to submit abstracts showing their current work.

Due to time limitations only some abstracts will be selected for presentation as talks during sessions.
Other high quality and relevant works can be presented as posters during the poster session.

Submission deadline: 16 9 June 2019
Acceptance notification: 1 July 2019


Instructions for authors

Abstracts must be submitted through the registration system.
Once you will select that you are willing to present a talk and/or poster the additional fields for an abstract and the submission details will appear.

The body of the abstract should not include any identifying information, such as the authors’ names or affiliations in order to allow the double-blind review.
These should go to the dedicated fields.

The authors requesting a talk are encouraged to fully use the limit of 1800 characters in order to provide greater detail on the topic.